WordPress 誕生20周年おめでとうございます!

After reading Nao’s post, I decided to write a blog.

2008年のWordCamp TokyoではじめてWordPressのコミュニティーに参加して、社会人になって初めて社外のコミュニティーというものを知りました。
I knew about WordPress community when I join WordCamp Tokyo 2008.

After that, I realized that I became a freelancer and a manager, and I still have various experiences.

There are many things I can learn from WordPress that are currently in progress around the world, and I am happy to be able to learn every day.

And yesterday, today and around the world, we see posts celebrating the 20th anniversary of WordPress. I am very happy to be able to participate in a project with so many people from all over the world.

Congratulations🎉 on 20th anniversary.

来月のWordCamp Euro 2023もとても楽しみにしています。
I am looking forward to joining WordCamp Euro 2023. See you in Athena!